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HistoryAug 08, 2008 - 12:00 a.m.

Vim: Unfixed Vulnerabilities in Tar Plugin Version 20


Vim: Unfixed Vulnerabilities in Tar Plugin Version 20


Product : Vim – Vi IMproved
Version : Vim >= 7.0 (possibly older), present in 7.2c.002
autoload/tar.vim >= 9 (possibly older), present in version 20
Impact : Arbitrary code execution
Wherefrom: Local, remote
CVE : CVE-2008-2712
Original :

The Vim Tar Plugin vulnerabilities published in our previous advisories
have been addressed, but the changes do not provide fix for all attack
vectors. We analyses some of the vulnerabilities remaining in


``Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi. Many new
features have been added: multi-level undo, syntax highlighting,
command line history, on-line help, spell checking, filename
completion, block operations, etc.''

            -- Vim README.txt

``When one edits a *.tar file, this plugin will handle displaying a
contents page. Select a file to edit by moving the cursor atop
the desired file, then hit the <return> key. After editing, one may
also write to the file.''

            -- Tar File Interface &#40;pi_tar.txt&#41;

These are all the ``execute'' and system() calls in the current code
(autoload/tar.vim version 20, 2008-07-30) code. It can be seen that all
the vulnerable statements have been changed. Unfortunately, not all the
changes provide a sufficient fix. (We analyse the vulnerabilities in
section 4 below):

133	   let tarfile=substitute&#40;system&#40;&quot;cygpath -u

138 exe "silent r! gzip -d -c – ".s:Escape(tarfile,1)." |
".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
141 exe "silent r! cat – ".s:Escape(tarfile,1)."|gzip -d -c
-|".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
144 exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c – ".s:Escape(tarfile,1)." |
".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
147 exe "silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions."
163 exe "r ".fnameescape(a:tarfile)
198 let tarfile=substitute(system("cygpath -u
223 let tarfile=substitute(system("cygpath -u
244 exe "silent r! gzip -d -c – ".s:Escape(tarfile,1)."|
".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".s:Escape(fname,1).decmp
247 exe "silent r! cat – ".s:Escape(tarfile,1)." | gzip -d -c

  • | ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".s:Escape(fname,1).decmp
    250 exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c – ".s:Escape(tarfile,1)."|
    ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".s:Escape(fname,1).decmp
    253 exe "silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions."
    ".s:Escape(tarfile,1)." – ".s:Escape(fname,1).decmp
    262 exe "file tarfile::".fnameescape(fname)
    308 exe "cd ".fnameescape(tmpdir)
    332 call system("gzip -d – ".s:Escape(tarfile,0))
    336 call system("gzip -d – ".s:Escape(tarfile,0))
    341 call system("bzip2 -d – ".s:Escape(tarfile,0))
    359 let dirpath = substitute(system("cygpath
    ".s:Escape(dirpath, 0)),'\n','','e')
    368 exe "w! ".fnameescape(fname)
    370 let tarfile = substitute(system("cygpath
    375 call system("tar --delete -f ".s:Escape(tarfile,0)." –
    384 call system("tar -".g:tar_writeoptions."
    ".s:Escape(tarfile,0)." – ".s:Escape(fname,0))
    391 call system(compress)
    407 exe "e! ".fnameescape(tarfile)
    419 exe "cd ".fnameescape(curdir)
    431 call system("/bin/rm -rf – ".s:Escape(a:fname,0))
    434 call system("/bin/rm -rf – ".s:Escape(a:fname,0))
    436 call system("del /S ".s:Escape(a:fname,0))

This is the listing from section ``'' of the original
advisory[1], for reference:

 99	  exe &quot;$put =&#39;&quot;.&#39;&#92;&quot;&#39;.&quot; Browsing tarfile &quot;.a:tarfile.&quot;&#39;&quot;
107	   let tarfile=substitute&#40;system&#40;&quot;cygpath -u &quot;.tarfile&#41;,&#39;&#92;n$&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;e&#39;&#41;
112	   exe &quot;silent r! gzip -d -c &quot;.g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq.&quot;|

".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
115 exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."|
".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
118 exe "silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions."
134 exe "r ".a:tarfile
169 let tarfile=substitute(system("cygpath -u ".tarfile),'\n$','','e')
192 let tarfile=substitute(system("cygpath -u ".tarfile),'\n$','','e')
199 exe "silent r! gzip -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."|
".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - '".fname."'"
202 exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."|
".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - '".fname."'"
205 exe "silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions."
".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq." ".g:tar_shq.fname.g:tar_shq
208 exe "file tarfile:".fname
278 call system("gzip -d ".tarfile)
282 call system("gzip -d ".tarfile)
287 call system("bzip2 -d ".tarfile)
303 let dirpath = substitute(system("cygpath ".dirpath),'\n','','e')
312 exe "w! ".fname
314 let tarfile = substitute(system("cygpath ".tarfile),'\n','','e')
319 call system("tar --delete -f '".tarfile."' '".fname."'")
335 call system(compress)
351 exe "e! ".tarfile


4.1. Untrusted File Names Interpreted as Optional Argument

4.1.1. POSIX Systems

The POSIX end-of-options double-dash (–) is missing from some of the
commands invoked by system() – line 244 a.o.:

244	   exe &quot;silent r! gzip -d -c -- &quot;.s:Escape&#40;tarfile,1&#41;.&quot;|

".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - ".s:Escape(fname,1).decmp

The resulting command looks like this:

gzip -d -c -- TARBALL | tar -OPxf - MEMBER

MEMBER can be interpreted by tar(1) as a command line option. This can
be still used to execute arbitrary shell commands (cf. e.g. the
``–compress-program'' option of tar(1)).

4.1.2. Other Systems

With implementations of tar(1) (and other programs) that do not
understand the double-dash convention, another mechanism must be used to
prevent the file name from being interpreted as command line options.
At the same time, the current code may confuse such programs.

It is not possible for Vim to know the invocation syntax of external
programs. As the double-dash security measure may not be present in any
given external command, the security of commands that pass untrusted
input to these external commands is not be guaranteed.

4.2 Unspecified Behaviour of system() and ``!''

4.2.1. The system() Function

system(), does not invoke /bin/sh to run the commands, as does the C
Standard Library function of the same name. Rather, it uses the program
specified in the Vim internal option 'shell'. The full details of how
system() works can be found in the Vim Manual:

``system({expr} [, {input}]) system() E677
The command executed is constructed using several options:
'shell' 'shellcmdflag' 'shellxquote' {expr} 'shellredir' {tmp} 'shellxquote'
({tmp} is an automatically generated file name). For Unix and OS/2
braces are put around {expr} to allow for concatenated commands.''

            -- Vim Reference Manual &#40;&#96;&#96;eval.txt&#39;&#39;&#41;

As the particularities of how this program interprets the command can
not be known, it is inherently impossible to say anything meaningful as
to whether there are security issues. In fact, it is not possible to
say anything about how the command will be interpreted, or if it will be
interpreted at all. In the absence of a baseline specification, the
behaviour of system() as implemented by Vim can only be described as

By setting the respective options to known values, it may be possible to
reach the C Standard Library system() functionality. There will still
be problems on systems without /bin/sh, and on systems where /bin/sh is
not POSIX-conformant.

4.2.2. The ``!'' Command

The same applies to the ``!'' command, as used e.g. on line 138:

138	   exe &quot;silent r! gzip -d -c -- &quot;.s:Escape&#40;tarfile,1&#41;.&quot; |

".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "

The ``r!'' means the ``read'' command reads the output of the ``!''
command, which in turn executes shell commands, in a way similar to


No exploit code is provided.


[1] Collection of Vulnerabilities in Fully Patched Vim 7.1


This advisory is Copyright 2008 Jan Minar <[email protected]>

Copying welcome, under the Creative Commons ``Attribution-Share Alike''

Code included herein, and accompanying this advisory, may be copied
according to the GNU General Public License version 2, or the Vim
license. See the subdirectory ``licenses''.

Various portions of the accompanying code were written by various
parties. Those parties may hold copyright, and those portions may be
copied according to their respective licenses.


2008-08-08 Sent to: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
Charles E Campbell, Jr (Vim Tar Plugin Maintainer)
<[email protected]>