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HistoryApr 11, 2011 - 12:00 a.m.

Sonexis ConferenceManager SQL Injection


Vulnerability title: Sonexis ConferenceManager SQL Injection

Solutionary ID: SERT-VDN-1006

Solutionary disclosure URL:

CVE ID: Pending

CVSS risk rating: 8

Product: Sonexis ConferenceManager

Application Vendor: Sonexis

Vendor URL:

Date discovered: 2011-01-27

Discovered by: Rob Kraus, Paul Petefish, and Solutionary Engineering Research Team (SERT)

Vendor notification date: 2011-02-18

Vendor response date: 2011-03-02

Vendor acknowledgment: 2011-03-02

Public disclosure date: 2011-04-06

Type of vulnerability: SQL Injection - Blind and Standard

Exploit vectors: Local and Remote

Vulnerability description: : The applications web interface contains multiple parameters, which allow for SQL Injection attacks. Specially crafted HTTP requests may
allow an attacker to execute well formed SQL statements and interact with the underlying database. Prior authentication to the application may not be required to
perform the SQL injection attacks. The following parameters and web pages have been tested and verified; however, it is possible more views and parameters within the
application are vulnerable:

Standard SQL Injection (Error-based) Conference/Audio/AudioResourceContainer.asp (g) parameter

Blind SQL Injection Login/HostLogin.asp (txtConferenceID) parameter

Tested on: Windows Server 2003 RC2 (SP2) with Sonexis ConferenceManager version

Affected software versions: Sonexis
ConferenceManager version (previous versions may also be vulnerable)

Impact: Successful attacks could disclose sensitive records contained within the database such as user, session, and application information to the attacker,
resulting in a loss of confidentiality.

Fixed in: No Fix Available

Remediation guidelines: Restrict access to the application via the public internet. Monitor vendor communications for notification of patch availability.