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HistoryOct 16, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

Web Login Bruteforce in Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 12.1.4023.4080


We discovered a vulnerability in the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager web application.

Vulnerability Type: Login Bruteforce

Original Release: June 20, 2014

Discovered by:
Security Team - A2SECURE
Artлm Tsvetkov [email protected]
Sisco Barrera [email protected]
Andrea Bodei [email protected]

Products and affected versions:

Company: A2SECURE - Espaсa
A2Secure Website:
Vendor Website:
Application Website:


Symantec Endpoint Protection is an endpoint security solution created through a layered approach to defense. With unique, layered technology, it detects and removes malware. Derived from Symantec’s global intelligence network, it enables faster scan, more accurate detection, and higher performance while utilizing fewer resources. With single management console, Symantec Endpoint Protection provides advance protection across multiple platforms both physical and virtual.

Vulnerability Details

Bruteforce attacks consist in an attacker configuring predetermined values, making requests to a server using those values, and then analyzing the response. For the sake of efficiency, an attacker may use a dictionary attack (with or without mutations) or a traditional brute-force attack (with given classes of characters e.g.: alphanumerical, special, case (in)sensitive). Considering a given method, number of tries, efficiency of the system which conducts the attack, and estimated efficiency of the system which is attacked the attacker is able to calculate approximately how long it will take to submit all chosen predetermined values.

Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager web login should implement bruteforce protection, such as one-time tokens, account lockout, IP blacklist, or similar.

Proof of Concept

The user login form does not prevent automated login attempts using a CAPTCHA, and is therefore vulnerable to bruteforce attacks.

Domain: https://localhost:8443
Method: POST
Path: /console/apps/sepm
Parameter: SEPMPasswordField_5454179
Payload: wordlist of passwords

Credits / Author

Artлm Tsvetkov


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